Each membership year, OHJA publishes its current rules and bylaws. OHJA members have the opportunity to propose and vote on changes to the rules and bylaws. Proposed bylaw and rule changes are circulated to the OHJA members at least 30 days in advance of the vote, and voting typically occurs at the January general membership meeting. The current year’s rules and bylaws are typically published after the January meeting.
The OHJA bylaws outline OHJA’s membership categories and dues, corporate officers and other representatives, standing committees, election process, and other information.
The OHJA rules outline OHJA’s three-tier membership system, member benefit programs, eligibility for year-end awards, class specifications, certificate of merit program, divisions eligible for year-end championship awards, and accumulation of points toward year-end awards. They also outline requirements for hunter/jumper shows to be eligible for OHJA point accumulation.
Rules & Bylaws Archive