OHJA members are invited to host USHJA Outreach-approved shows (non-USEF rated) at which OHJA members can earn points toward OHJA year end awards. OHJA refers to these shows as Outreach shows. When you host an Outreach show, OHJA will post it on our Calendar and include it in our Facebook announcements.
Important Information About Hosting An Outreach Show:
USHJA Outreach approval is needed before OHJA will approve your show for OHJA points.
Complete and submit OHJA’s Host Competition Agreement, including the one-page application form, at least thirty (30) days before your show.
A non-refundable Point Tracking Fee of $25 is due upon submission of the Host Competition Agreement.
If you plan to offer OHJA Medal classes at your show please indicate on your Outreach Show application which OHJA Medal(s) you plan to offer. In addition to the Point Tracking Fee, a Medal Fee of $50 or 25% of entry fees from all OHJA Medal classes, whichever is greater, is also due within 2 weeks of completion of your show.
Additional fees and fines may apply if submission deadlines and other requirements are not met
A Show Manager can have:
up to four (4) approved Hunter/Equitation shows at one location
up to four (4) approved Jumper shows at one location or
any combination of Hunter-Equitation/Jumper shows up to a total of four (4) at one location
Application Process:
Complete the HOST COMPETITION AGREEMENT and the OHJA PRIZE LIST RELEASE, remember to tick the box to pay the $25 Point Tracking Fee.
Documents Required for Submittal and Completion of Host Competition Agreement:
1. PROOF OF INSURANCE (Including endorsement page naming OHJA as additional insured)
Entering Show Results:
Within 2 weeks after your show, submit your results in the OHJA-approved format to points@oregonhunterjumper.org and pay the Medal Fee (if applicable)